Why Track Your Kegs?
There are approximately 200 million kegs that service the global beer market, of which, we estimate that 5-10% are lost each year, translating to a USD $800M - $1.6bn problem. These losses, coupled with poor asset utilization, inefficient management, and the inability to measure carbon footprint, highlight a supply chain struggling to keep pace with technological advancements.

Konvoy’s asset tracking technology, Konvoy Cloud, designed specifically for kegs and other returnable assets, address these challenges:
1. Efficient Asset Utilization: Device sensors log asset location, movement, and temperature data every 10 minutes, ensuring assets are efficiently used throughout the year, thereby reducing future capital expenditure on new assets.
2. Quality Management: By monitoring the temperatureand freshness of beer from production to consumption, Konvoy Cloud ensures high product quality. This transparency builds stronger trust and loyalty among customers, enhancing both in-venue experiences and the brewery's sustainability credentials.
3. Carbon Footprint Improvement: Konvoy Cloud enables businesses to measure and improve their CO2 footprints. By improving the rotation of a beer keg from just 2.5 to 3.5 times/ year over its life, the CO2 econtribution for a pint can be reduced by nearly a third. This data allows companies to manage, report, and reduce their carbon emissions, aligning with growing environmental concerns and showcasing their commitment to sustainability.
Whilst high value assets are already tracked via GPS and other technologies, the relative low cost of a keg makes tracking with GPS uneconomic from a cost and battery life perspective. Konvoy has developed a cost-effective, battery-efficient solution specifically for low-value assets. While Konvoy Cloud has been optimised for beer kegs, it has demonstrated to solve similar challenges across adjacent low value returnable asset categories.

Konvoy Cloud revolutionizes the beer industry supply chain by enhancing asset utilization, ensuring product quality, and promoting sustainability, positioning it as a leader in asset tracking technology.
Want to know more? We're here to chat. Get in touch.